Pax Lexque
Campaign World
Pax Lexque is a campaign setting based on an alternate reality historical earth in which the Roman Empire
was co-mingled with conventional elements of fantasy. The Pax Lexque line of books includes three sourcebooks:
Pax Lexque Campaign Guide, which covers the lands around the Mediterranean Sea
Isles of the Celts, which covers the British isles
Kingdoms of Africa, which covers sub-Saharan Africa
Tribes of the North, which covers the Norse and Germanic tribes
Mare Nostrum, which covers underwater realms of the Mediterranean Sea
The product line also includes these adventure modules:
The Hand of the Law, We Who Are About to Die, Kingdom of Fire, The King's Bargain, The Moon Locket, Runestone of Souls.
Campaign Guide
The Hand of the Law
We Who Are About to Die
"This manuscript is quite an impressive work!"
Joseph Goodman, GOODMAN GAMES
Kingdom of Fire
Scientia Arcana
Isles of the Celts
Mare Nostrum
De Re Mortis
The King's Bargain
Librum Draconis
The Moon Locket
Tribes of the North
Tribes of the North
Kingdoms of Africa
Free Map Packs
Comic Crawl Classics
XCrawl - The Eternal City
XCrawl - Let the Games Begin
Hunting Shadows